October 28, 2015

How to improve digital marketing results

Digital marketing is a skill that can be mastered with a lot of practice through time. To get there you can obviously go through some bad times. That means also learning how to improve digital marketing results. This is something inevitable and today we will explore eight ways to overcome them and turn them around.
October 21, 2015

How to plan for digital marketing

Digital marketing isn’t as simple as one may think. To develop a plan for digital marketing a lot of time is involved and the process can be quite complex. The attention to detail you reserve to the planning process the more likely you are to get great benefits from your investment. Starting from the basics there are so many platforms to choose from and getting this part right is fundamental. Planning is essential, it allows you to know exactly what channels and platforms you are going to use and when to use them. Having a plan is key. If you approach digital marketing with a well-defined plan you won’t run the risk of being overwhelmed by the endless possibilities our digital world provides us with. It also allows you to analyse your environment more precisely to make positive decisions that will maximise your chances of success. Simply answer the following: Where are we now as a business? Where do we want to be? How are we going to get there? These three questions can prove to be the foundation of your digital marketing strategy. Below we will go through them with you so you get an even better understanding of how you should plan for digital marketing. Where are we now as a business? This is all about who you are now. What is your business, what defines you? What are your values? At this point you need to ask yourselves what are your current marketing efforts like. Both on-line and off-line. The best way to do so is gather all the data you can and use that to analyse the situation. Highlight what is working for you and what isn’t. Our suggestion is to do an internal and external research. Find out what your market thinks of your business. […]
October 14, 2015

5 reasons you need mobile optimisation

When it comes to the web in this modern day and age, especially e-commerce websites, mobile optimisation is key. Without it you are potentially missing out on a percentage of sales. Research shows that a massive 57% of mobile users if the loading time is more than 3 seconds.
October 1, 2015

Is your business digital marketing ready? 3 tips for you to find out

Digital marketing is a vital part of business, whether you are digitally native or not.  If you haven’t started digital campaigns just yet for your business, chances are you have considered it. On-line marketing can bring many benefits to big and small business alike, thanks to new technologies and tools and vast improvements to services. Before you throw yourself into an on-line marketing campaign here are 3 to understand whether you are digital marketing ready.
September 23, 2015

The current state of email marketing: An Infographic

What is the current state of email marketing? Has it been surpassed by newer technologies and trends? The email marketing landscape is constantly changing. Between the introduction of new anti-spam laws, more email apps, and new phones, email marketing has never presented more challenges—or as we see it, opportunities. Take a look at this infographic and find out about the current state of email marketing.  
September 16, 2015

How to succeed in digital marketing – Infographic

Ever wondered what makes digital marketing successful? This infographic might explain exactly what you are asking. 5 tips that can prove to be useful when starting off a new digital marketing campaign.
August 25, 2015

SEO and Social media – Perfect digital marketing partners

If you were not aware of this yet, social media has a fairly important impact on how your SEO rankings work. The best solution to run your campaigns in the best way is to run them together in an integrated manner. In the past year Google’s algorithm updates have forced website owners to focus on producing content to earn a better ranking. Relevant and interesting content will certainly get you up in the rankings and give you decent on-line exposure. a great article, some images for an infographic will cause people who follow you to share the content and in that way increase your on-line presence. How do Social and SEO work? By managing to gain an engaged group of followers and fans on the many social platforms out there, you are able to push out content on a regular basis and engage with an already receptive audience. When you promote your content from your own website onto social media platforms you are able to gain a few bonus SEO points. It works like a cycle that keeps spinning and gaining more and more awareness. Are you managing your SEO and Social Media together? Do you increase your on-line reach in this way? If you want to discuss it further, get in touch by filling in the form below. [contact-form-7 id=”400″ title=”The contact form”]